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Myanmar’s agriculture department urges cash crop planting in flood-damaged fields

YANGON, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — Myanmar’s Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation has urged farmers to grow cash crops in flood-damaged fields and will provide assistance to replant crops, the state-run Global New Light of Myanmar reported on Saturday.
Typhoon Yagi brought devastating winds and heavy rain, impacting farmlands across Myanmar. If farmers have difficulties replanting rice, they are urged to grow cash crops to reduce losses and generate funds for the next growing season, it said.
A team led by Ye Tint Tun, director general of Myanmar’s Department of Agriculture, visited farms in the Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory to support post-flood farm recovery. They discussed managing crop loans, maintaining high-yielding crops by lowering input costs, analyzing climate-resilient crops suitable for each region and addressing the needs of farmers, the report said.
Additionally, the department is collaborating with related organizations to offer technical assistance and meet agricultural needs, it added. ■
